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Welcome to the One’s Class!

Ms. Lupita is the One’s Teacher. She has been in child care of over 27 years and with El Rio for over 6 months.

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This is Our Class Schedule that we follow on a day to day base.

In the One’s Class, the kids will be learning how to interact with other kids. They will learn how to share. We follow a lesson plan every week and have it hanging in our class for parents to see. Every week is a different theme. We will introduce their ABC’s, Numbers and Colors. They will also be given a project everyday that the student and teacher will do together one on one.

We have different centers in the class room where they can play during the day. We also have circle time for 20 mins a day. In circle time we sing our ABC’s, Numbers and Colors. We also have a library in the classroom where we have the students pick out a book and will read it during Circle Time. In the One’s Class we have a Lending Library where the child can check out a book for the day and take it home to share with their parents.

One’s Class Ratios is 1-6 children for 1 teacher.